The Oregon State Ladies Auxiliary met August 16, 2024 at the First Landmark Missionary Baptist Church in Roseburg. There were 26 ladies present with eleven churches represented. Sister Cathy Holcomb of Roseburg led us with a song, “I’m Bound for the Kingdom”, and Sister Joyce Harlan of Aloha opened our meeting in a word of prayer. Sister Cathy Holcomb of Roseburg gave the “Welcome” and Sister Rachel Hubbard of Bend gave the “Response”. Our President, Sister Barbara Counts of Coquille, gave a devotional about how Jesus treated women, which may be found elsewhere in the Minutes.
Then, the Roseburg ladies presented their program, which was inspired by a book entitled “Adorned, Living out the Beauty of the Gospel Together” and written by Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth. Focusing on Titus 2:1-5, 10, the author reveals that all women are strengthened when young moms and singles widen their peer groups to include those who've "been there"; and when older "veterans" shed their protective cocoons and invest in the next generation. The ladies concluded the program by having all of us join them in a humorous poetic song about aging, sung to the tune of “My Favorite Things”.
Following the program, we held our business session of the meeting. The letters were read and the messengers were seated. The 2023 minutes were read and approved. The 2023 treasurer's report was read and approved. A motion carried that designated our 2024-2025 state goal to be Elder Tom/Sister Colleen Tripp (to help with their moving expenses to the Coos Bay church). Motion carried to give today's offering to Sister Sharon Pole at Grants Pass.
The following officers were elected for the 2025 meeting:
President: Sister Lynnette Dever
Vice President: Sister Barbara Counts
Secretary/Treasurer: Sister Gale Chandler
Asst. Secretary/Treasurer: Sister Peggy Hayes
We had no Miscellaneous Business. The ladies of the Bend church shared information, and supplied flyers, about the 2025 Ladies Retreat. We heard reports from several ladies groups and took the offering which was $221.00; then we were dismissed in prayer by Sister Crystal Holcomb of Bend.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sister Gale Chandler, Secretary/Treasurer.
Then, the Roseburg ladies presented their program, which was inspired by a book entitled “Adorned, Living out the Beauty of the Gospel Together” and written by Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth. Focusing on Titus 2:1-5, 10, the author reveals that all women are strengthened when young moms and singles widen their peer groups to include those who've "been there"; and when older "veterans" shed their protective cocoons and invest in the next generation. The ladies concluded the program by having all of us join them in a humorous poetic song about aging, sung to the tune of “My Favorite Things”.
Following the program, we held our business session of the meeting. The letters were read and the messengers were seated. The 2023 minutes were read and approved. The 2023 treasurer's report was read and approved. A motion carried that designated our 2024-2025 state goal to be Elder Tom/Sister Colleen Tripp (to help with their moving expenses to the Coos Bay church). Motion carried to give today's offering to Sister Sharon Pole at Grants Pass.
The following officers were elected for the 2025 meeting:
President: Sister Lynnette Dever
Vice President: Sister Barbara Counts
Secretary/Treasurer: Sister Gale Chandler
Asst. Secretary/Treasurer: Sister Peggy Hayes
We had no Miscellaneous Business. The ladies of the Bend church shared information, and supplied flyers, about the 2025 Ladies Retreat. We heard reports from several ladies groups and took the offering which was $221.00; then we were dismissed in prayer by Sister Crystal Holcomb of Bend.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sister Gale Chandler, Secretary/Treasurer.