Ladies Auxiliary Officers

Vice President
Assistant Secretary/Treaurer
Cambria Collins
Joyce Harlan
Nina Renard
Gale Chandler



The Oregon State Ladies Auxiliary met August 16, 2013 at the First Landmark Missionary Baptist Church in Coos Bay. There were 40 ladies present with 13 churches and 1 mission represented. Sis Loretta Hafen of Coos Bay led us with the song “Rock of Ages” and Sis. Loretta Keady of Klamath Falls opened in prayer. Sis Sharon Pole of Hoopa Mission gave the welcome and Sis Irene Russell of Myrtle Creek gave the response.

President Sis Gail Chandler gave a devotional entitled “Slippery Feet”. She reflected on the impact her life and testimony would have on Bro Chandler and the Church in Coquille as she became a new Pastor’s wife. With much time in prayer, the thoughts of David in Psalm 17:5 and Romans 14:3 came to mind. First and foremost, being a child of God, her life should stay focused on the Lord. Proverb 3:5-6 reads, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.”

Following the Presidents devotional the Coos Bay presented a short film entitled “Secret of the Vine”. We must Abide in Him, as Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. In a beautifully illustrated film, we were shown the importance of looking to Jesus for our lifeline. Sis Kambria Collins shared Galatians 2:20, “ I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” The movie’s writer shared that it is our ultimate purpose in life to Glorify God and life out a personal relationship with Him, through Jesus Christ His son. Conform to His image and trusting in Him always as our Saviour.

Following the special program we held our business session of the meeting, which was opened in prayer by Sis LeAva Eddings of Roseburg. The letters were read and the messengers were seated.

The 2012 minutes were read and approved. The 2012 treasurer’s report was read and approved. There was no old business to discuss. Under new business, a motion carried to change Article 4- Membership to read “Each church shall be entitled to three(3) messengers who have been chosen by her Auxiliary and/or church.” A motion carried to have Sis Chandlers Presidents devotional included in the minutes. A motion carried to add Sis Helen Kerby photograph and biography to the minute book. A motion carried that designated our 2013-2014 state goal to be the Madras Church. A motion carried to give today’s offering to Bro and Sis Lewis of Myrtle Creek.

The following officers were elected for 2014:

  • President…. Sis Kambria Collins
  • Vice President…. Sis Joyce Harlan
  • Secretary/Treasurer… Sis Nina Renard
  • Assistant Sec/Treas…… Sis Gale Chandler

Sis Peggy Hayes of Grants Pass gave a report on the 2014 Ladies Retreat. The dates are set as May 9-10, 2014 and will be held once again at Diamond Lake. Focusing on Isaiah 40:8.

We took a head count, heard reports from several ladies auxiliaries and took the offering which totaled $208.50. We were dismissed in prayer by Sis Barbara Counts of Bend.




Beginning Balance



Minute Fund


State Goal (Sis Sharon Pole)


Host Church Expenses


Offering: Sis Collins


Total Income



Minute Fund


State Goal (Bro and Sis Bolding)


Host Church Expenses


Offering: Sis Collins


Total Disbursements


Balance on Hand:



Minutes and Treasurer’s Report respectfully submitted,

                                Sis Nina Renard, Secretary/Treasurer