
With faith in God and unquestioning acceptance of the Bible as the word of God and sole rule of faith and practice, we offer to all Missionary Baptist Churches of Christ the followinf Articles of Agreement.

Article 1


The Oregon State Association of Missionary Baptist Churches

Article 2


The object of the association is to encourage cooperation in christian activity among the churches, to promote interest in and encourage missions on a New Testament basis among all people, to stimulate interest in christian literature, general benevolence and christian educations, to provide a medium through which churches may cooperate in these enterprises.

Article 3


  1. This association shall be comprised of Missionary Baptist Churches as defined in number 15 of our Statement of Faith and Articles of Agreement.
  2. Each church associating in this association is entitled to three messengers who are members of the church they represent. They are to bring letters showing their election by the church, which letters should give a report of the last year.
  3. We recommend to all scriptural New Testament Churches desiring to cooperate with us for the purpose designated in Article 2 of these Articles of Agreement, to express their desires by presenting evidence of their origin, faith, and practices and we further recommend that any church refusing or failing to continue in the faith and practices designated by them will not be considered seated in the messenger body.

Article 4

Doctrinal Status

This association shall recognize the freedom of speech as essential to the highest achievements in it's work. It shall stand or fall on its own conformity to truth. It shall exercise no ecclesiastical authority but shall by every precaution recognize the sovreignty of every individual church. It shall also encourage on the part of churches and messengers the greatest possible freedom of expression in discussing matters pertaining to its work, and in the pre-eminence of missions and evangelism in the work of the churches.

Article 5


The powers of this association shall be limited in execution to the teachings of the New Testament and of the will of the churches composing it. In the annual session, the messengers shall elect from the participating churches such officers as deemed necessary for its deliberation and work. Committees may be appointed that are needed to transact the business that may be directed by the churches.

Article 6


  1. It will be the duty of the messengers annually to elect from among their members a moderator, assistant moderator, and such clerks and other officers as may be needed or directed by the churches composing this association.
  2. In all votes of this association, a majority of votes cast shall decide questions, except in cases of change of amendment in the Articles of Agreement or the Statement of Faith. In such cases, a two-thirds majority will be required

Article 7


  1. Annually the messengers shall recommend to the churches from among the church endorsed missionaries, such number as they deem wise for associational support.
  2. The endorsing or sending church shall, according to the needs of their missionary and the strength of the churches, recommend his support.

Article 8


  1. All funds of this association shall be raised by voluntary donations secured purely on the merits and the cause in the interest of which appeals are made for gifts, provided this is not to prevent the use of income or any property that may be aquired by donation or purpose.
  2. The treaurer of this association shall disperse all funds received between sessions of this association subject to the designation of the sending church or churches.

Article 9


The annual meeting of the church messengers shall be at such time and place as the assembled messengers may appoint.

Article 10

Changes in Articles or Statement of Faith

Any proposed Article or Statement of Faith changes must be presented the first day of the regular meeting and laid on the table by a vote of the messenger body till a following day of the meeting. A motion will be required to take from the table and a two-thirds majority will be required for the proposed change or any revision to pass/